Managed IT Services For Small and Mid-Sized Businesses in Houston

If you’re sick and tired of Houston IT Managed Services Companies in Houston who say they offer Flat Fee IT Support, but nickel and dime you to death for things that are not covered under their Flat Fee IT Services Agreement, and who charge by the hour and who never seem to be able to resolve more complex technical issues then it’s time to experience  Flat-Rate IT Support and Services the way it’s supposed to be by a Managed IT Services Company in Houston, Texas, [geot_zip default=''] who means business.

Complete the short form or call us today @ +1 (877) 948-3665 for your no-obligation risk-free 30day trial

Complete the short form below for your complimentary guide to “Hiring The Right Managed IT Services Company” and qualify to get up-to 5hrs of try-B4-You-Buy Services

Pro-Active Flat Fee Managed IT Services For Small & Mid-Sized Businesses

We provide Flat Fee IT Managed Services for Small Businesses who are fed-up of having technical problems, and who are looking to lower their IT Support Costs with our Flat Rate Managed Technology Services in Houston.


Managed IT Services FAQ’s

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”Should Small Businesses Consider Managed IT Services” answer-0=”Many small businesses do not have the talent or the time to manage their IT infrastructure and systems. And simply neglecting to maintain IT systems can have an adverse effect on the businesses bottom-line and employee productivity. For this and many other valid reasons most small and mid-sized businesses should consider Managed IT Services.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”Why Managed IT Services For Small Business Is Important” answer-1=”All businesses rely on computers, servers, information and technology. In order to reduce the risk of downtime or complete technology failure, small businesses without the necessary skills or budget to build and IT team should consider the importance of Managed IT Services.” image-1=”” count=”2″ html=”true” css_class=””]


Our Bronze Managed Technology Services Plan is a starter plan for home-based or small businesses looking to pro-actively monitor their systems 24x7x365, as well having many other benefits


Our Silver IT Managed Services Plan, is totally focus on activities that drive sales and revenue, knowing that your technology requirements are being managed effectively and within the scope of your IT budget.


Everything is covered under our gold managed services plan plus more, including aggressive discounting on all future project based IT services. Very affordable and cost effective for any sized business.


Get total peace of mind with our platinum plan which offers pain and hassle free IT Systems Support for one low flat predictable monthly fee, you'll not only be able to budget better                                            

What Are Managed IT Services     Who Needs Managed IT Services     Benefits Of Managed Srervices    

What Are Managed IT Services    

Managed IT Services is the practice of outsourcing the day to day technology management of a businesses  IT systems to a third-party IT Services Provider . Managed IT Services is a way for businesses to pro-actively maintain their technology system with a predictable monthly service fee, without the need to have internal expertise or staff. Learn more about Managed IT Services

Who Needs Managed IT Services    

Managed IT Services are best suited for organizations with more than 10 users and at least one or more servers. In short any business can take advantage of a fully managed IT service. With that said, businesses with 10 or fewer users can also benefit, but that is something which needs to be evaluated on a case by case basis. Smaller businesses with 10 or fewer users/computing devices can benefit from the basic level most MSP's offer - Pro-active network and systems monitoring. Compare Managed IT Service Plans to learn which best fits your organization

Benefits Of Managed Srervices    

The benefits of "Managed IT Services" are many, the top three being: (1) predictable monthly support costs, which makes it easy to budget, (2) Pro-active IT Support reduces downtime, (3) Enable your business to focus on its core competency rather than managing datacenters, servers and server rooms.